CIF Sportsmanship Resolution
That the Sac-Joaquin Section will distribute a contract to each of its member schools requesting that the appropriate administrator(s) distribute, review and discuss the enclosed recommendations of the CIF State Federated Council with all members of each school’s administrative staff, coaching staffs, athletic squads, spirit squads, booster clubs, drill team, marching band, faculty and any other school entity concerned or involved with interscholastic athletics.
It is the duty of all concerned with high school athletics:
1. To emphasize the proper ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair play;
2. To eliminate all possibilities which tend to destroy the best values of the game;
3. To stress the values derived from playing the game fairly;
4. To show cordial courtesy to visiting teams and officials;
5. To establish a happy relationship between visitors and hosts;
6. To respect the integrity and judgment of sports officials;
7. To achieve a thorough understanding and acceptance of rules of the game and the standards of eligibility;
8. To encourage leadership, use of initiative and good judgment by the players on a team;
9. To recognize that the purpose of athletics is to promote the physical, mental, moral, social and emotional well-being of the individual players;
10. To remember that an athletic contest is only a game – not a matter of life and death for player, coach, school, officials, fan, community, state or nation.
The member schools of the CIF are committed to providing a sportsmanlike environment for students, coaches and spectators. To that end, the CIF Federated Council has adopted the following sportsmanship and crowd control recommendations. Each member school is requested to commit itself to implementing these recommendations and completing the enclosed sportsmanship contract.
A person who can take a loss or defeat without complaint, or victory without gloating and who treats his/her opponents with fairness, courtesy and respect.
1. The following are expected to be role models demonstrating sportsmanship at all times:
a. principal/administrative staff;
b. athletic directors;
c. coaches, players and cheerleaders;
d. faculty members;
e. booster club members;
f. band director.
2. Coaches, players, cheerleaders and spectators will respect the integrity and judgment of sports officials.
3. The conduct of coaches, players and cheerleaders generally sets the tone for CIF contests. They will be expected to maintain the highest level of decorum at all CIF contests.
4. The following behavior is unacceptable at all CIF high school contests:
a. berating your opponent’s school or mascot;
b. berating opposing players;
c. obscene cheers or gestures;
d. negative signs;
e. complaining about officials’ calls (verbal or gestures).
5. The following rules regarding noisemakers and bands are to be followed by all CIF Sac-Joaquin Section schools.
a. Noisemakers at ALL indoor events are prohibited. Non-mechanical handheld devices (i.e., small cow bells and thunder sticks) are allowed at outdoor events, excluding baseball and softball. One authorized, school-sponsored air-powered/mechanical noisemaker (i.e., cannon) is allowed to be used by the home team at football games only, and only after a scoring play or the end of the game; this device may not be used if the point differential is 35 points or more or a running clock is in effect. This noisemaker must be approved at a league meeting. All other whistles, air horns and other air-powered/mechanically powered noisemaking devices are prohibited.
b. Bands and sound systems are the sole responsibility of home schools at non-playoff contests. Visiting teams may bring school bands and sound equipment to non-playoff contests provided they receive prior administrative approval from the home school principal or designee.
c. Bands are encouraged to attend and participate in playoff contests. The visiting school must make prior contact with the home team if they plan on bringing a band to a playoff game to ensure appropriate seating. The Section office, prior to the event, must approve bands participating at neutral site Section finals.
d. Bands are not allowed to play during the course of the actual contest.
(i) In the sport of football, bands may play during timeouts, halftime or in between plays. Bands must stop playing when a team breaks the huddle or in the case of a no huddle offense, when the quarterback lines up in position to take a snap.
(ii) In the sport of basketball, the band may play during timeouts, at the end of each quarter or during halftime.
e. It is the responsibility of the site administrators to make sure the above stated regulations are enforced.
f. The game officials may stop a game and seek help from the site administrators if they believe the regulations are not being enforced.
6. The following action plans are recommended.
a. A script should be provided to the announcer including:
(i) welcome;
(ii) sportsmanlike expectations;
(iii) acknowledgement and introduction of the game officials;
NOTE: There should be a short statement endorsing the officials as neutral persons who have been certified as official by the NCOA.
(iv) introduction of players;
(v) sponsorship recognition.
b. Include the CIF Code of Ethics in the game programs.
c. Each participating school’s administration is expected to emphasize sportsmanlike behavior at all CIF contests.
(i) This shall be directed to coaches, players, cheerleaders and spectators in the day(s) prior to the contest.
(ii) Rallies, team meetings, faculty meetings and spirit club meetings, school bulletins and P.A. announcements are all appropriate venues.
(iii) Contact the principal or administrator-in-charge of the opponent’s school at least one day prior to basketball and football games and other contests as appropriate to promote practical applications of the sportsmanship and to ensure the proper environment for the contest.
d. It is the responsibility of the administration of each participating school to designate an administrative representative:
(i) Who will check in with the site manager 30 minutes prior to the game time and establish where he/she will be throughout the contest;
(ii) Enforce the highest standards of sportsmanship within his/her own student body;
(iii) Contact the administrative representative of the opponent’s school to report any violations of sportsmanship by either school’s supporters.