RydeFreeRT makes back to school easy! Students/youth in grades TK through 12th can ride Sacramento RT for FREE any day, any time, anywhere. Learn more at rydefreert.com
¡RydeFreeRT facilita el regreso a la escuela! Los estudiantes/jóvenes desde transición de jardín de niños hasta doceavo grado pueden viajar en SacramentoRT GRATIS todos los días, en cualquier momento, a cualquier lugar. Obtenga más información en rydefreert.com.
➢ All school districts will be provided with new RydeFreeRT cards (valid June 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025) for students/youth in grades TK-12th.
➢ Youth who are experiencing homelessness or taking part in foster programs are also eligible.
➢ For students/youth who need a RydeFreeRT card, visit SacRT’s Customer Service and Sales Center located at 1225 R Street (adjacent to the 13th Street light rail station). RydeFreeRT cards are also available at most Sacramento County public libraries.