Dual Enrollment College Courses
To enroll in a dual enrollment college course, you need to complete the following steps:
1. Go to the ARC Dual Enrollment website for detailed instructions and steps (Follow all steps!):
2. Note on Step #1: how you complete this will depend on if you took classes this current semester (Fall 2024)
- If this is your first college class (or you were not enrolled in a class during Fall 2024, you need to complete CCC Apply.
- If you took a class during Fall 2024, you do not need to do CCC Apply again, go into EServices and complete a “Supplemental Enrollment Form”.
- The Special Admit form is now completed electronically. You will complete the form and it will be digitally routed to your parent for approval and then to the “school designee” for approval. Your school designee is your assigned counselor.
A-Fa: Megan.lopescunha@sanjuan.edu
Fe-Lan: Dorie.baker@sanjuan.edu
Lap-Re: elizabeth.irwin@sanjuan.edu
Ri-Z: Sydnee.butcher@sanjuan.edu
- You do not choose a class during this step. The Special Admit form is for general permission from your parent and the school to take a college course.
- If you are choosing to take an English or math course you will be asked to upload your transcript.
4. You will receive a confirmation email once all the steps of the Special Admit form have been completed.
- The email will give you a registration date.
5. IMPORTANT! THIS IS ANOTHER CHANGE (Step #6 on the Dual Enrollment webpage):
- On the priority registration date you need to go into EServices and register for your class. This will not be done for you.
- Before your registration date, you can review available course offerings by looking at the schedule for the campus you are interested in attending. ARC class schedule
- Note: Class schedules can be filtered by Mode: “FULLY ONLINE”
6. DO NOT FORGET: Once you have registered for your class, send your counselor a screenshot of your eservices showing the course name, number and enrollment period.
- You will not be able to have a “College” period in your schedule unless you send this screenshot.
7. If you find a course you would like to take at another Los Rios Campus (Sac City, Folsom Lake, or Consumnes River) the process is exactly the same, just choose your desired campus.
For questions or issues with enrollment please email ARC directly: DualEnrollment-SpecialAdmit@arc.losrios.edu
Here is a helpful video on how to add your class when your enrollment appointment starts.